How are you called to serve?
As Carmelites we take our inspiration from Our Lady and the Prophet Elijah.
In Elijah we learn to discern and recognise what is stirring in our heart, Elijah meets God but not in the way he expects. ‘The Lord does not speak to him in the wind, nor in the fire or the earthquake, but He speaks to him in a light breeze’ (1 Kings 19:11-12). He meets God on God’s terms, open to hear the truth.
In Mary we see the generosity of vocation, she is the woman of faith and the perfect disciple, she followed Jesus whilst walking with the disciples, she shared their demanding and wearisome journey – a journey which required, above all, fraternal love and mutual service. Mary brings the good news of salvation to all (Luke 1:39).
Both of our models can inspire us on our own vocation journey as they walk alongside and guide us.
In our Carmelite life, we live in allegiance to Jesus Christ through prayer, community, and service. We seek the face of Living God, we are open to the gifts of the Spirit and we try to achieve this by living and serving, in the midst of the people.
If you would like to know more about the way of life of a Carmelite Friar, please do contact us. We can support and accompany you to explore a process of prayerful discernment.
Please contact, the Vocations Co-ordinator, Fr. Ged Walsh, O.Carm.