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Daily WYD blog – share the WYD experience with us. Mon 31st July – Mon 7th August 2023

World Youth Day (WYD) is a global event celebrated every few years, bringing together young people and the Pope, each time hosted by a different country. This year, a small group of young adults from the British Province of Carmelites will be attending WYD in Lisbon, Portugal. 

Brother Matthew Janvier will share a daily blog, reflecting on his pilgrimage experience. 

The theme for this 37th WYD is “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39), and a Carmelite Youth Day will be held during the week, providing an opportunity for young people connected to the Carmelites to come together, pray, and learn about different groups in the Order. 

WYD was initiated by Pope John Paul II in 1984 as a celebration of youth and their contributions to the Church, featuring local celebrations and a larger international gathering every three years. It’s a week-long experience of faith, deepening the relationship with Christ, and fostering solidarity among young people.

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