In 2017, the National Council of the Third Order in Britain decided that a Travelling Pilgrim Icon would be commissioned to travel around the Chapters and Carmelite groups in the British Province.
The intention was that this icon would remind, recentre, refocus, and inspire Lay Carmelites in their heritage and charism, as well as share Carmel and its spirituality with the wider community. The icon gives a narrative which is revealed through prayer, contemplation and meditation.
On the 19th of April 2023, at a Mass in Aylesford Priory celebrated by Michael Cox, the National Chaplain for the Third Order of Carmelites, the Icon was solemnly blessed in the presence of the Friars and representatives of the Third Order, the Prior General Miceal O Neill, General Councillor for Europe Richard Byrne and the Prior Provincial for the British Province Brendan Grady.
The icon has already begun its pilgrimage to all the Chapters and Carmelite Spirituality Groups and has so far visited Birmingham, Cardiff and Redditch communities and will be going to Leigh-on-Sea on Saturday the 22nd April.
Please keep the mission of this icon in your prayers!