Faith for the Future

This Catholic Legacy Week, have you considered leaving a gift to the Carmelite Charitable Trust in your Will?

Catholic Legacy Week starts on Pentecost Sunday 28th May 2023. During the week, we hope you will prayerfully consider a gift in your Will.

Remembering us in your Will ensures you can make a difference for generations to come.

By leaving a gift to the British Carmelites in your Will, you are helping to ensure that the work and ministry of the province will continue for many generations to come. All gifts, whether large or small are immensely important to the charity. It is thanks to so many of the legacies of the past that we have been able to continue our work, building God’s Kingdom on earth even when your earthly life is over.

Interested to learn more about leaving your most significant gift? Find out more here about how to leave a legacy gift and to make your will for free.

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