The Provincial Chapter of the British Province was held on 17 – 21 April 2023 at Aylesford Priory.
It was a fruitful week of discussions, prayer and planning with friars and a number of lay collaborators together, facilitated by Mr Danny Curtin. The Province was joined at the Chapter by the Prior General, Fr. Míċéal O’Neill, O.Carm. and by the General Councillor for Europe, Fr. Richard Byrne, O.Carm.
Many themes were discussed including the flourishing of Carmel and the wish constantly to create spaces where the experience of God is shared.
Thank you to the Aylesford Community for hosting everyone so well, and to the Aylesford team for looking after everyone’s needs. Particular thanks too to the Preparatory Commission for organising the Chapter and its programme.
More photos can be found here. (